The Evidence Adu: The African tailor's brand doctor

Free Services

These are links to free calls with me and guides to boost your fashion knowledge.
You can book a fashion consultation, brand discovery call or fashion booster call with me. All free calls are 30 minutes long.

The fashion consultation is ideal if you want to address your fashion issues. I offer fashion and style tips to enhance your personal and professional look. I also provide recommendations that best suit you based on your preferences, body shape, and unique style.

If you’re yet to develop a brand or would like to improve your brand, then the introductory brand clarity call is ideal for you. Here, we discuss your brand’s existence, audience, values, and offers.

Finally, I offer fashion booster sessions to help develop your confidence in fashion. Your level of confidence affects your overall happiness and success. One of the ways to express confidence is in your fashion style. Fashion is more than putting on clothes; it’s about the enthusiasm with which you wear them. You can book a fashion booster call to discuss your fashion confidence struggles.

Premium Services

I offer a range of premium services for African tailors, brands and individuals, focusing on your brand clarity, fashion confidence, business growth, value proposition and engagement. You can pick which topic you want to focus on during the 45 minutes call.

Whether it is learning how to audit and develop your brand, reach your audience online and offline, build your communications structure to customer retainment and referrals, content strategy, audit and creation plan.

I can also help with your Instagram feed layout and help you with 30 days of your Instagram feed and story calendar.

Let’s create magic together. Join the list.


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